Baking Soda is the Gardener’s Best Friend: Here Are 10 Ingenious Uses in the Garden

Economical, edible, non-toxic, and biodegradable, baking soda is a product that’s hard to do without. And for a good reason—this white powder is versatile, useful in the kitchen, for cleaning, and even in gardening. Baking soda has been proven to remove stains, whiten teeth, clean surfaces, and even get rid of pesticides. Its functions are diverse, and baking soda adds another skill to its repertoire. Let’s explore its use in the garden, which is also very practical for various reasons.

Keep Insects Away
To get rid of insects plaguing your garden, baking soda will be your main ally. Avoid using chemical pesticides that are harmful to health and the environment and opt for this more eco-friendly white powder. To do this, mix in a sprayer one liter of water, one tablespoon of olive oil, two tablespoons of baking soda, and a few drops of liquid soap. Spray your garden with this mixture every three days to repel insects.

Get Rid of Ants
If your garden and home are infested with ants, don’t panic. Mix five teaspoons of baking soda with five teaspoons of powdered sugar and one tablespoon of water. Locate ant nests and pour this mixture over them. Say goodbye to annoying ants.

Eliminate Caterpillars
Cabbage caterpillars can be problematic and prevent the healthy growth of your vegetables. To get rid of them, simply mix flour and baking powder in equal parts and sprinkle this mixture over the plants. Soon you won’t see caterpillars anymore.

Clean Garden Decor
Everyone knows the benefits of baking soda for cleaning the kitchen or bathroom. Your garden can also benefit from its cleaning power. Simply sprinkle the white powder on all the decorative elements of your garden and then wipe with a damp cloth.

Clean Plant Leaves
Whether indoor or outdoor plants, they always need care. For a beauty session, you can clean the leaves with a mixture of water and baking soda. They will look healthy and shiny.

Enhance the Taste of Your Vegetables
If you practice organic farming, baking soda will help you grow healthier and tastier vegetables. Take tomatoes as an example and sprinkle some baking soda on the soil; they will grow in less acidic soil and thus be juicier and sweeter.

Water the Flowers
To water your garden flowers, don’t hesitate to add a bit of baking soda to your watering can. You’ll notice your flowers become brighter and healthier.

Extend the Life of Flowers
If you like having bouquets of roses or flowers at home to enjoy their fragrance, you can improve their appearance and extend their life by placing them in a vase with water, a pinch of salt, and baking soda.

Eliminate Fungus and Mold
Fungi can grow on plants in humid conditions. Baking soda is known for its fungicidal properties and helps control mold. A study also demonstrated its effect on yeasts, dermatophytes, and molds. Simply spray water with baking soda on the infected areas.

Get Rid of Weeds
Weeds often get stuck in the cracks of your garden path. To remedy this, just moisten the area with a thick paste of baking soda. Say goodbye to weeds that give your garden a neglected appearance.

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